Circle of Care: How Your Loved Ones Can Help You Post-Birth

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I know you have heard by now the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Well, I’m here to remind you that after giving birth, that village becomes more important than ever. Trust me when I say you don’t have to do this alone. 

If you think about it, there’s so much happening after your baby arrives. You’re recovering, adjusting to your new role, and learning the ins and outs of caring for your little one. It’s beautiful, yes, but it’s also exhausting. That’s why letting your friends and family step in can truly help lighten the load.

Now, I know that in those first few days or weeks, your partner might be around to help out, but know that this is the perfect time to hire a postpartum doula. The doula will ensure you both have time to bond with your baby and rest from that exhausting hospital visit. 

When your partner goes back to work, though, it can feel a little overwhelming. If you don’t have a doula to continue to help, that’s exactly when your friends and family can step in. It’s the perfect time for loved ones to visit, help out, or even just keep you company. So don’t be afraid to ask for extra support during this period!

Why Delegating Tasks is a Gift to Yourself

I know sometimes it’s hard to ask for help. But giving yourself the gift of rest and self-care is so important, especially right now. Your body has just done something absolutely incredible, and you deserve time to heal. Letting others handle some of those little tasks isn’t just a luxury–it’s a necessity. It gives you space to focus on what you truly need: time for yourself.

By letting go of the daily grind, you give yourself a chance to recharge–even if it’s just a few quiet minutes to breathe, shower, or take a nap. And honestly, those few moments can feel like pure gold after nights of broken sleep, right? You’ve earned this, mama! 💖

How Loved Ones Can Help

I know so many people in your life want to help, but they may not be sure where to start. So, let’s make it easy for them–and for you. Here are some thoughtful ways your loved ones can support you during this time:

  • Meal Prep and Cooking: Having someone to cook large meals for you to easily grab and go is one less thing to worry about as you adjust to healing with your newborn. Planning meals out for the week or even cooking and freezing portions works wonders for creating more time to rest. 
  • Housework: Things like laundry and dishes seem to pile up faster when you’re focused on your baby. If someone offers to help, let them tackle a few chores! Not having to worry about dishes and laundry in those first couple of weeks is such a relief. Trust me!
  • Running Errands: Maybe it’s grabbing groceries, diapers, or essentials from the pharmacy, but it helps big time to have someone grab the things you need. Don’t be afraid to ask loved ones to pick something up on their way to you!
  • Helping with Older Kids or Pets: If you’ve got other children or pets, it’s incredibly helpful to have someone take them out for an afternoon or give them a little extra attention. 
  • Baby Watching for Short Breaks: Sometimes, all you need is 30 minutes to yourself. Whether it’s for a shower, meditation, or just a quiet moment, letting someone you trust watch the baby for a short break can be a great way to recharge.
  • Emotional Support: Sometimes, it’s not about tasks at all. Sometimes, you just need someone to listen, talk, or check in on how you’re feeling. Emotional support is just as important as physical help. Call a friend, or better yet, invite them over!

Takeaway Advice from Your Doula Friend

As a doula, I’ve seen so many new moms thrive when they have a strong support system in place. So here’s my advice: Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Seriously, your loved ones want to help, but they might not know what you need. The more specific you can be, the easier it is for them to support you.

At the end of the day, you’ve got this. And your circle of care is right there to lift you up whenever you need it. Accepting help doesn’t make you any less of a supermom. In fact, it makes you a lot stronger. So, let your loved ones step in so you can focus on healing, bonding with your baby, and finding time for yourself.

Remember, you’re never alone in this. Your circle of care will be cheering you on every step of the way!