9 Baby Essentials For New Moms

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Becoming a new mom is a beautiful adventure, overflowing with love, joy, and plenty of new experiences. As you step into this incredible journey, you'll quickly realize just how much baby gear is available! It can feel a bit overwhelming at first, but take a deep breath because I'm here to guide you. Together, we’ll focus on some essential items you’ll need for welcoming your little one.  

1. A Reliable Stroller

A good stroller is an absolute must for every new mom. Gone are the days with the huge four-wheeled stroller sets that include the infant seat and lounger stroller. Moms today are working smarter, not harder.  

One type of stroller is to get a frame for the infant seat. It is thin and lightweight. Whether you're walking in the neighborhood or making your Target run, your baby will likely fall asleep in the car. Scooping up the ‘bucket seat’ and placing it directly into a stroller frame is easy peasy. Be sure to match the infant seat to the frame’s brand.  

Another good one is a three-wheeled stroller with air-pumped tires. The tires make all the difference. Also, the one wheel in the front makes moving the stroller with one hand easy to push while carrying your coffee. This Jeep one was my first one 12 years ago off of Craigslist (before marketplace, lol). To fit it in my car, you could easily detach the wheels to make more room. Also, you can usually get an infant seat adaptor.  

My personal favorite is the Doona! It’s not just a car seat—it transforms into a stroller with a simple lift. You’ll save money by not having to buy a separate car seat and stroller. I helped one of my clients one time by taking the baby to his music class so she could get some things done at home. I used the Doona, and it was pretty awesome. At first, it was a bit of a learning curve to figure out how to do it, but I was fine after one try.

2. A Comfortable Baby Carrier

A baby carrier is perfect for keeping your little one close while keeping your hands free. Whether you're at home or out and about, a comfortable, adjustable carrier lets you bond with your baby while getting things done. Between feedings, you can even have your partner wear your baby to bond! At my prenatal visits with clients, we always unbox their carrier and fit it to their partner so they are already adjusted and ready to go. When the baby is full and is just tired, throw on the carrier. Trust me when I say this is a complete game-changer! By the way, I still use mine for my four and six-year-old! I wear them on my back after a long day on the beach. 

3. A Versatile Diaper Bag

Diaper bags are essential for carrying everything you need when you’re on the go, especially one that is easy to clean. Be sure to choose one with plenty of pockets! That way, you can put a spare shirt and deodorant for yourself inside and extra clothes for your baby. You will feel so refreshed in case you’ve been out longer than you thought or get baby spit up on your shoulder, or…. a diaper blowout.  

Backpack ones are a must, especially those that come with a little diaper pad. They come in handy when out in public and allow you to put a clean barrier between the changing table and your baby. But don’t forget to choose one that your partner likes, too. That way they can help carry it comfortably and confidently!

4. A Safe Car Seat

If you were to invest in anything on the essential list, focus on the car seat.  

Did you know that there are Certified Car Seat Installers? Also, many fire departments and maternity hospitals will check for the correct installation. Don’t wait until the birth to try to figure it out! You will need the ‘base’ and the bucket seat. Practice putting a stuffed animal in and out of the seat and putting the seat in and out of the car.  

I personally liked the infant bucket seat because when my babies fell asleep in the car, I could move them about without waking them. If you choose to do this, you will need one infant bucket seat, and then the next seat category is called a Convertible. The infant seat is for about one year, and the convertible, well, my six-year-old is still in his! Invest in this one. Britax has been my go-to.  

When making your registry, you will need one infant bucket seat and one or two bases for that infant bucket seat. You’ll most likely need two convertible seats (one for each parent) because those are an absolute pain to take out and put in other cars, so they can stay where they are for about three years.  

5. A Cozy Swaddle or Sleep Sack

Newborns absolutely love the comforting feel of being swaddled. It’s like a gentle hug that reminds them of the cozy security of the womb. A swaddle or sleep sack not only helps your baby feel snug and secure but can also lead to better, more restful sleep. 

Your baby may be picky.  My second child only wanted one arm swaddled, and my third child didn’t like to be swaddled at all. The velcro ones are super convenient, easy, and quick!  Especially in the middle of the night, in the dark, and you're both tired.

6. A Reliable Breast Pump (If You’re Breastfeeding or Exclusively Pumping)

For breastfeeding moms, having a reliable breast pump can make all the difference in your breastfeeding journey. There are so many different brands and decisions.  FYI- hands free are awesome, but not as powerful as a plug in!

From my personal experience, I can confidently say that the Spectra has been a game-changer for my supply. Almost all of my clients have used the Spectra in some capacity.

The most important milk supply tip I have experienced with my clients is the correct flange size fitting! 

Most pumps come with a size 24mm when the average mom’s nipple (not areola) is around 14mm. That’s a big difference! So be sure to get sized by an IBCLC or use the tool that comes with the pump. Also, don’t forget to check your insurance! Many will cover the cost of the pump, replace parts, and cover the services of an IBCLC. Don’t wait till the baby is here to go through, explore, and sanitize all the parts!

A good breast pump is a must, whether you’re preparing to return to work or if your partner wants to help with feedings. 

7. A Baby Monitor

When in doubt, use your phones! If you are away from home, or haven't set up the monitor yet, you can use your phone's video chat feature. Set one up near the baby, on a video chat, and yours by your bed, but don’t forget to mute it!  

A baby monitor gives you peace of mind, allowing you to keep an eye on your little one while they sleep. Choose a monitor that fits your needs- which are simply being able to see and hear your baby.  A quick video check before you go to sleep and audio for you to hear them if they need you gives you peace of mind. While most monitors come with video and audio, there is a lot that has audio or video only, so be sure to double-check the one you decide to get.

8. Basic Clothing

Your baby will grow quickly, so it's important to have a selection of comfortable, easy-to-change clothing on hand. Look for soft, breathable fabrics in a variety of sizes, not just 0-3 month. Bodysuits, sleepers, and onesies are perfect staples for your baby’s wardrobe. I’ve always called them “zip-zips”, because I knew them as the ones with zippers.

(Tip: Don’t get button or snap sleepers. If you are gifted them, return them for zip-zips! Because going through each button and snap in the middle of the night seems like forever to finish up, especially if you’re running on little sleep.) 

But for real though, all you need are a bunch of zip-zip onesies. Maybe a few onesies and a few pairs of soft leggings. When you make your registry, so many guests will bring you so many different outfits. If they aren’t versatile or if you realize you have too many 0-3month sizes, return them so you can get what you really need for sizes 3-6 months and beyond! 

(Getting the zip-zips with the cute little animals on the feet or on the butt always made me smile in the middle of the night. So cute!) 

9.  A Safe Space for Baby to Sleep

A crib or bassinet is an absolute must. Choose a crib you can easily lay the baby in (at nearly 5 feet tall, I had to be sure I could lean in and out without going on my tippy toes, lol). When choosing your crib, choose a mattress that is firm and waterproof. Most moms don’t use the crib until the baby is older, so a bassinet may be your first choice for a safe space. Finding one that fits your bed’s height so you are not leaning down too far in the middle of the night is key.

A bassinet is the go to choice for the first few months.  You can have your baby next to your bed in your room.  Some moms decide to put their bassinet on a different level of the house so they are able to sleep near them during the day. Either way, a bassinet is more versatile and common than a crib.

Piece of Mind

I totally get how overwhelming it can be with all of the baby gear options out there. The market of products is insane. Manufacturers are honestly like predators on expecting parents. However, if you focus on the essentials, you will have everything you need to care for your baby comfortably and confidently. 

P.S. Don’t forget to ask for freezer meals and maybe even gift cards for a local postpartum doula to help you out after birth! Congratulations mama!